October 13, 2022

¿Porqué se usa el látex?

Se ha dicho que las relaciones eróticas del BDSM se fundamentan en la sofisticación, en llevar al extremo (a la “perversión”, se decía…) las caracterizaciones de lo humano, no para situarse fuera de esa humanidad, sino todo lo contrario: para señalar con nitidez esa caracterizaciones.

December 31, 2021


Dressing in leather is not only a fetish, it is also quality and above all it represents your good dress taste.

December 31, 2021

Why wear a mask?

When thinking about buying one, you have to take into account that it is the one that represents the role you want to play.

December 15, 2021

How do I choose the ideal cage for you or him?

Before choosing, we must take into account that the user already has experience, and if it is the first time, we always recommend that their first experience be with a resin, polycarbonate or silicone cage, which we would commonly call plastic.


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